Thursday, January 17, 2008

I am surviving

Well....thought I would let everyone know I am actually alive!!! A lot has changed but we all are doing actually pretty well. My classes are going good and I am really doing quite well. It is not near as boring as one would think and I have learned a lot about research and stats. I am maintaining my grades and hopefully will be able to keep them there.

The kids are doing real good in school as well. Some of you may not know that we put the kids into school after Christmas. Home school has it's advantages....but not for two working full time parents. So.....yes, I guess we failed at homeschooling. The kids really missed other kids their own ages and really wanted to go, so we put them into school. They are going to Clinton Prairie, the county public school. They absolutely LOVE it!!! We are very pleased with the teachers and the way that they want to help our children. Alayna has never liked school, not even the first day....however now she is totally thrilled and excited each day!! Hopefully that will continue!!! Jordan is able to play the sports that he loves so much and is part of the JV basketball team!! He has made lots of friends and is glad to be back in school as well. He has made me proud. Libby and Austin are also doing good and have adjusted very well. It is just a relief to know all the educating is not on my incapable shoulders. The fact that they have real teachers rather than Dave and I, relieves my little mind.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My life for the next three years!!!! :*(

Just wanting to warn everyone that the post will be few and far between for awhile. I have started back to school again, this time for my Masters Degree in Nursing. I think I am probably a few bricks shy of a full load to even try such a thing.....but I have always wanted to do it, and at least wanted to attempt it. If I can not do it, at least I will have tried. My first class is Introduction to Statistics and Research Methods. If I can make it through this class, I think I actually might survive!! We started Jan 2. and will go for 8 weeks. Then I have one day break and another class starts. This will be my life for the next three years!! If you think of my family say a prayer for their sanity......I am sure it will be just as hard on them, if not harder. Dave has been extremely supportive of my educational endeavors throughout the years.....I have promised him that after this, I will be DONE!!! He just smiles....he knows me too well!!

New Years!!

Anyone see these people before????? They showed up for our New Years party.......:*) We had is amazing what fun you can have at 1am with a set of fake teeth, uno attack and a cranium game!!! I have a feeling I will be punished for this post.....sorry was too good to pass up!!!!!!!!

Christmas at Dads

Jared (my nephew) at dads.

I thought I would share some pics that I took when I was at dads. We had a very busy trip, but it was fun!!!

My sister Teresa and her husband.

Kristi (my niece) and I doing a self pic
Mason and Alayna "fixing" the tree.
My dear little daddy!!

Christmas Pics

Thought I would post some Christmas Pics. This was a good Christmas, the kids loved every minute of it and their joy was worth every penny!!

Libby and Alayna each got a different color DS as their main gift along with several games

Jordan got a drum set that he has been wanting for a long time. Thankfully it has headphones so the whole house doesn't have to listen!!!
Austin was the most surprised......he got the Wii that he had wanted and didn't think he would get. Well worth the extra money just to see his face!!!!

Before the big rush to open gifts!!!!