Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall Days

My little Maxine....she looks so cute in this picture!!!

This spider lives on our front porch.....He is sure pretty, but I don't know if he is a bad guy or not.
Austin found this fungi in our is huge

Mickhi loves to ride the four-wheeler.....and Libby just loves Mickhi!!!

Kristi thinks she can run faster than me!!!

I have been jogging daily (almost) hoping to someday get skinny.
While we were talking, jogging and being silly the guys were out shooting each other with paint balls.......just doesn't make sense!!
Dave has a great big nice ole' red mark to prove he was hit, not my idea of fun!!!
This post is just a mixture of pictures from today. It was beautiful outside and our family came out to enjoy a big fire, food, and fun. I have always been a believer that weekends are for fun and family....and this was no exception. We ladies sat around talking and being silly and the guys rode the four-wheelers and played paint ball. I see no fun shooting each other with little balls and leaving big must be a guy thing!!! All in all it was a great day!!!


Carrie said...

It's a Marbled Orb Weaver spider (by the way, I didn't know that initially, I looked it up!) Here's the link to a good picture, but I think I like your picture better!

Ha! I love that picture of Maxine!

Ok, so don't laugh, but I want to take up Rollerblading (which wouldn't work so well on gravel roads, huh?) to get some of my weight off. It just looks like fun and I think the dog would enjoy it, too. But, hey! Since when do you need to get skinnier?!

I love Austin's fungus. There's something I love about woodland fungus. Yeah, I'm weird. I also like Orb Weaver spiders.

I'll have to be honest, paintball doesn't look like my idea of fun either. That is, unless I'm wearing football gear!

Lisa said...

Carrie....I knew you would come through for me on the spider!! Thanks so much. I think he is pretty unique. I don't have the heart to kill him, so as long as he won't kill us in our beds at night he will remain. We actually don't use that door, so he is happily living his life in the corner, bothering no one.

About the skinnier thing.....sitting for eight hours per day produces a phenomonon known as "sitting butt".....something I don't want to have!! proactively combat that... I need to run!!! I know more information than you wanted...but none-the-less an answer!!! :*)

Unknown said...

IMO, you look great but I am also concerned that sitting all day teaching, will get my bottom the apprearance I have ran backward hard into a But then gain, I could get something sweet printed on the butt of sweatpants...because no one wears those to draw attetion to their butt, do they??? LOL

Hugs from GA,

Carrie said...

You know, it was your m-i-l that told me that sitting for too long produces a "square bottom!" Ha!

Janiece said...

Looks like you guys are all doing well! On the whole weight losing ordeal -- GIVE ME A BREAK!!! :) The whole paintball stuff doesn't make any sense to me either. Why don't they just run out in front of a car if they want to get all bruised up, LOL. Thanks for the update!