Saturday, September 1, 2007

BIG Answer to Prayer

I am feeling very grateful today. Last week my sister-in-law, Susan was diagnosed with stage three invasive ductal carcinoma. This is a very aggressive cancer and not a beginning stage. It was a huge blow to them, and to us too, as we are close to them. It is hard to watch people you love worry and suffer. I don't think I went a day without a few shed tears over the situation. This past Monday she went through a mastectomy, and all the grief and emotions that entails. The doctor gave them a positive report, but told them they would know for sure if they got it all after the pathology report came back, in about five days. This has been a week of high emotions and cries out to God. Just yesterday she called with the news that none of her tested lymph nodes have cancer cells, and that they believe she is cancer free at this time. What an answer to prayer!!!! She had been anointed several times at church, and isn't that just like our God to answer our cries. Just thought I would share that, as it has been a great boost to my faith that He truly cares about us and ALL our needs.


Anonymous said...

Praising God with you and praying for complete healing.

tacomom said...

That is great news! He is such an awesome God. Proving that day by day, hour by hour and even minute by minute lately!!

Janiece said...

Been there and done that with my Mom, it is not a fun time in life when those we love are in pain. So glad to hear she got a good report!